Dimensional Formula of Power

The dimensional formula of Power is [ M1  L2  T-3 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. From the above formula, we can derive the dimensions of power as (1, 2, -3). How to calculate the dimensional formula of power? For this derivation, we first need to know some … Read more

Gram Positive Cell Wall

The gram-positive cell wall is surrounded by a thick layer of peptidoglycan which acts as a protective layer for bacteria. And, during the Gram Stain test, the gram-positive cell wall turns purple (or violet), representing that the bacteria is of gram-positive type. Bacteria with gram-positive cell walls are: Clostridium Botulinum Staphylococcus Streptococcus Enterococcus Faecalis What is … Read more

Functions of Cell Walls

A cell wall is a rigid layer that provides mechanical support to plant cells, fungi, and some prokaryotic cells like bacteria. It acts as a protective layer that protects the internal organelles of a cell. In this article, you will learn about some of the most important functions of the cell wall. But first, let’s quickly … Read more

Do Animal Cells have Cell Wall?

Animal cells do not have a cell wall because a cell wall is a supportive layer that provides mechanical support to plants and other unicellular organisms. However, there are skeletons and muscles for animals that provide similar functionality to cell walls. This article will cover some of the major reasons why animal cells don’t have cell … Read more

Specialized Epithelial Tissue

Specialized Epithelial Tissue are a class of epithelial tissues that have very specific and specialized functions and structures. This tissue is composed of cuboidal, columnar, ciliated columnar epithelial cells. These are following types: Ciliated Specialized Epithelium This tissue is composed of long, elongated columnar epithelial cells. Each cell bears numerous cilia at the free surface, i.e. known as brush border.

Stratified or Compound Epithelial Tissues

The surface of our body and internal organs is subjected to wear, tear and injury. To protect the inner tissues, the outer lining of the body and organs is covered by a specialized group of cells called epithelium. Epithelial tissues can contain a single layer of cells (Simple Epithelium) or many layers(Stratified Epithelium).

Simple Epithelial Tissues

The surface of our body and internal organs is subjected to wear, tear and injury. To protect the inner tissues, the outer lining of the body is covered by a specialized group of cells called epithelium.

Archimedes’ Principle

When a stone is immersed in a bucket completely filled with water, some amount of water spill out of the bucket. The weight of water displaced (spilled) from the bucket can be explained by Archimedes principle.